Intermediate Wheel Throwing : 6 Weeks
Intermediate Wheel Throwing : 6 Weeks
Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30am, 31st October to 5th December
Are you ready to take your throwing to the next level? If you have a handle on the basics of centering and pulling up a small cylinder or bowl, this class will help you consolidate the fundamentals and build upon them at a relaxed pace.
Learn how to :
Assess the principles of form
Throw mugs to a size and shape of your design
Use a ‘tombo’ (‘dragonfly’) to measure your work and throw repetitive shapes
Throw small pots off-the-hump
Attach handles
The class size is limited to six participants to ensure you receive maximum assistance, so don’t delay in securing your spot at the wheel.
Includes all equipment, clay, glaze and firing.
Term class are non-refundable. Your place will be secured once full payment is received. If you change your mind after you have paid, you may transfer your booking to a friend for the same session.